However challenging the past few months may have been, a great deal of effort has been put into supporting one another and ensuring that we manage to cope despite everything going on around us. Whether these were food and medicine deliveries, providing hot meals to the needy ones, setting up homeless shelters, giving a listening ear to somebody or simply clapping for the front-line heroes, the stories are plenty and are worth sharing. What’s yours?
To celebrate a Make a Difference Day on 24 Oct 2020, we would like to invite you to share with us some examples of the amazing things you have done during the lockdown with and for your own community. Perhaps some of these efforts are still in place … or maybe you are actually planning on doing something specific to celebrate the MaD Day?
Your entries could be as simple as sharing a few words or writing a longer piece. Feel free to send also some pictures (if you have any). We would be happy to share these with the outside world to further inspire one another and spread the much-needed positivity.
The entries can be submitted via e-mail at until 24 Nov 2020. The most interesting stories are up for a nice (sur)prize 😉
We know that Make a Difference Day lasts 24 hours only, but why not spread the vibe and make it go longer?
How are WE going to celebrate? By preparing to re-launch the Talk to Me Worcester Campaign!
Our activities, like many others, have been affected by the pandemic. It’s time to get back to supporting the community, though, and we have a few ideas on how to do that 😉 Keep on checking our website and social media channels to find out more in just a few days!